Introducing The Fempowered Professional

The Evolution of My Brand: The Fempowered Professional

I am excited beyond words to unveil my rebrand.

The Fempowered Professional is the result of a rebrand that is incredibly meaningful to me. 

For the duration of my business, up until recently, I operated under a different name – Effervescent Efficiency – which I absolutely loved and was also meaningful to me. Effervescent, because that’s who I am at my core – inescapably joyful and passionate and bubbly – and efficiency, for obvious reasons. I also love alliteration, the flow of the name was perfect, and ultimately, the name matched me very well – equal parts left-brained and right-brained; I love structure and processes and analytics, but I also absolutely live for creativity, writing, design. This was also evident in my undergrad degree, my B.A. in International Business in French. 


When people would ask me, “What do you do?” I would enthusiastically tell them about my business, but then I would tell them about my “soul purpose” – which is Fempowered. To empower girls and women to live a life of limitless possibilities, by living the Fempowered values: resilient, intentional, and empowered

For years, I supported entrepreneurs and created amazing work for them, but something was missing, and it was a long journey for me to discover that what was missing was what would become the fourth value of Fempowered: alignment.

It was that separation of “my business” and “my soul purpose” that created the wedge of misalignment. 

It was the unconscious, continued choice to let in clients that were not in alignment with me or with Fempowered.

It was furthered by me not honoring all that I am, all that I offer, all of the expertise and education and unique magic that only I bring to the table.

The breaking point and the epiphany were loud and clear:
I am Fempowered, Fempowered is me.
Fempowered is all that I do.

And thus, E2 was both reborn and evolved as The Fempowered Professional was born. 

What does my Fempowered rebrand really mean?

Well for starters, it means everything to me! 

As I said, I am Fempowered. Fempowered is me. 

And therefore, I am committed to embodying all that Fempowered means to me. Living the values of Fempowered in all that I do. And letting all the work I do flow from what Fempowered stands for.

So, my brand is Fempowered. And my offers flow from Fempowered as sub-brands.

First up to the plate has been rebranding my primary business into The Fempowered Professional. 

And I have so much more magic coming up within Fempowered, so you’re definitely going to want to stay tuned. 

So, what is The Fempowered Professional?

Empowering Women with Intentional Business Strategies 

I help women by creating their intentional and aligned business strategies that generate both the impact and income they desire, as well as a joyful and fulfilling life.

I provide the clarity, strategy, and empowerment needed to navigate your business journey with confidence, overcoming blocks and creating a structure for excitement, possibilities, and tangible results.

Together, we focus on creating the following, ensuring that all of it is built out in a way that is intentional and truly in alignment for you and your ideal customer.

It’s incredibly important to intentionally develop your customer experience. This includes what they see on your social media, to how they navigate through your website, to how you nurture them and ultimately convert them into a customer, through to what the entire customer journey is, and beyond.

Determine the best strategies for you to grow your audience and effectively launch these strategies, resulting in increasing your reach and influence, establishing yourself as an industry expert, and creating next-level experiences and results.

Significantly increase your income with proven monetization techniques, while clarifying and upleveling your offers, ensuring an irresistible customer journey.

At Fempowered, we have a huge emphasis on mindset & personal development. By building this focus into the work we do together, you’ll uplevel your leadership skills, addressing any blocks that come your way, honing your confidence and clarity to make empowered, effective decisions, and ultimately building a business and life you love.

Whether you’re seeking to revitalize your existing business and create the results you’ve desired, or you’re ready to lay a strong foundation for a new venture, I’m here to help you achieve a life and legacy of limitless possibilities.

There are a number of ways that we can work together, from a group program that is committed to creating results in these areas of your business, to working with me 1:1 (you can book a free call with me here), as well as an incredible team of virtual assistants to implement your strategy. I truly can’t wait to hear what your vision is and see how I can support you in achieving the goals and dreams you have for your business!  

My Mission to Empower Women in Business

While what I stand for and teach at Fempowered, and what I teach and create for The Fempowered Professional, applies to everyone irrespective of gender, it is within my heart and soul that I’m meant to serve women and girls. It’s just who I am: a girly girl; a Spice Girl; the Glitter Queen; and Fempowered, through and through. 

With my mission to inspire 1 million Fempowered lives, it makes even more sense for me to focus solely on incredible women who are also working to make the world a better place! By supporting these businesses through The Fempowered Professional, they will be able to spread their message further, faster, and more effectively and enjoyably, and that brings my heart joy. 

Through the evolution that has brought The Fempowered Professional to become what it is today, I am incredibly excited to begin this journey of sharing my thoughts and strategies with anyone who is looking to create the business and life of their dreams.